Become a Corporate Partner
Li jêr şahidiyên me yên dilgerm ên ji bikarhênerên karûbarê bibînin. Em spasdarê her bikarhênerek karûbarek in ku ji me bawer dike ku em bi înîsiyatîvên me yên li vir li SHEWISE piştgirî, hêzdar û teşwîq bikin. Em pir serbilind in ku em karîbûn di jiyana we de cûdahiyek çêbikin!
What does a Partnership with SHEWISE mean?
Partnering with SHEWISE means joining a movement to uplift women from diverse and disadvantaged backgrounds, empowering them to overcome barriers and achieve lasting independence. Your partnership will help drive meaningful change by providing access to programs that nurture leadership, economic self-sufficiency, and emotional well-being.
What can a Partnership with SHEWISE achieve?
Together, we can create opportunities for women from ethnically marginalized communities, addressing the unique challenges they face and fostering a sense of belonging. Through tailored support, education, and mentorship, we can break cycles of inequality, enabling women to thrive personally and professionally, while positively impacting the wider community.
If you are from a company and would like to become a corporate partner, or find out more information to please contact us on: ||