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We've put together a selection of useful resources for your use.

Addic­tion Services

Drug and Alcohol support – 020 8538 1150

Child Sup­port/Arrangements  - advice - advice for single parents/child contact

Citizen Advice Bureau

Hounslow - 0808 278 7830

Counselling - free/women only

Hounslow Youth Counselling Services - 11+ 25. Free.

Domestic violence

24-hour Domestic violence helpline   - 08082000247

Debt management

National Debt helpline – 0161 823 4978


Action West London – 020 8993 9605

Learn English at home – 020 8255 6144


Food bank & Refresh Café – 020 8891 6820

Community Food bank Feltham 9-10 Central Parade, Feltham TW14 0DH


NSPCC FGM Line – 0800 028 3550

Financial Support

Apply online or call Hounslow Council’s advice line - 0208 5834242

Hous­ing - housing advice

Hate Crime

Victim – 0808 1689 111


Shelter Helpline – 0808 800 4444

The Shelter project Hounslow - 07340 929325

Immigration Issues

Hounslow legal services - 020 8572 3137

Leg­al Aid - advice around immigration/child contact - free barrister availability if client has financial struggle

Men­tal Health

Mental health support – 020 8583 3003

Money Advice Services

The money advice service – 0800 138 7777

Refuge Services

Ashiana Network   - 020 8539 0427

ACAA – 0208 572 0300

Sexual Violence

Sexual violence Helpline – 0808 801 0770

London Survivors Gateway – 0808 801 0860 (13+ support for sexual violence)

Rape and sexual |Abuse support centre helpline – 0808 802 9999

Resettlement Support

Apex Charitable Trust - 01744 612 898​

St Giles Trust020 7708 8000

Women in Prison0800 953 0125 or 0207 359 6674 

Apex Charitable Trust - Works across Northwest England and seeks to help people with criminal records obtain appropriate jobs or self-employment by providing them with the skills they need in the labour market and by working with employers to break down the barriers to their employment. 01744 612 898​.


Step Together - provide tailored one-to-one support to help individuals into volunteering placements that match their needs and interests and help them develop the personal and practical skills required to build a more positive future. 0117 955 9042.


St Giles Trust - runs a range of services designed to help ex-offenders; employment, support, community-based training, and housing/emergency accommodation. 020 7708 8000.


Women in Prison - is a women-centred, women-run organisation that provides specialist services to women affected by the criminal justice system both in prison and in the community throughout England. 0800 953 0125 or 0207 359 6674.

د اړیکو تفصیلات

زموږ ملاتړي او همکاران

موږ سره اړیکه ونیسئ

بریښنالیک :
زنګ ووهئ: 0333 1881 5005
د مقدس تثلیث کلیسا
6 لوړ کوڅه
هانسلو، TW3 1HG

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